Illinois Concerns of Police Survivors

Survivor Information

Illinois C.O.P.S. offers financial assistance to attend National Police Week and Hands On Programs.  Please download and submit appropriate form.  If submitting for a child/minor, the parent or legal guardian must sign the acknowledgement on behalf of the child.
We encourage all our survivors to attend our National C.O.P.S. events and Hands On Programs.  Please visit Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc website for dates and registration for National Police Week and all the different Hands On Programs.

National Police Week

If you're looking for information about National Police Week or reimbursement please go to the National Police Week Page.

National Police Week Information

State Memorials

In December 2018, the Illinois COPS Board voted to help with our family survivors attend their officer's state memorial.  Eligible Family Members Include: Surviving Spouse, Children, Step-Children, Parents, and Step-Parents, Siblings and their Spouses, and In Laws and their Spouses, Significant Others/Fiancés, and Parents of Officer Minor Child/ren that reside in the state of Illinois.  For those survivors of Illinois Fallen Officer's your hotel will be covered in Springfield.  Please submit the Chapter Travel Form along with your receipt from the hotel.  For Out of State Fallen Officer's families the chapter will reimburse up to $500 per household for travel expenses for you to attend your Fallen Officer's State Memorial.

Go to Forms Page For Chapter Travel Expense Request

All completed forms should be sent to:

Illinois Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.)

7 Hunter CT

Montgomery IL 60538


or emailed to

History of National Police Week

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed Public Law 87-726 designating May 15 as Peace Officers' Memorial Day, and the week in which May 15 falls as National Police Week.  The law was amended by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, Public Law 103-322, signed by President Bill Clinton, directing that the flag of the United States be displayed at half-staff on all government buildings on May 15 each year.  While the actual dates change from year to year, National Police Week is always the calendar week, beginning on Sunday, which includes May 15.
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